Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My nephew is so cool!

So yesterday I went to Wal-Mart to pick up Shelby's pageant pictures and they were lost AGAIN! After a very long time the lady finally recovered my pictures. As I was standing in Wal-Mart, embarrassing even myself because I was so mad, all I could think about was my sister,Tiff. When we go out in public and something goes wrong she always tells me to warn her before I throw fit. She would rather die than be humiliated. So, good thing you weren't there sista. Cause you show would have been embarrassed(even I was). Speaking of sister she has the most awesome little boy, Tanner. I'm proud to call him my nephew. He is just beautiful. Look at those droopy brown eyes and those freckles. He is a turd if there ever was one. But, he is a doll. He and Shel are best buds. They have a love/hate relationship. Tanner loves to visit the farm when they come to Texarkana. So, I usually go and pick him up and he gets to spend at least one night. It also gives his momma some alone time.He doesn't get to eat a lot of (or at all )sugar at home. His momma always buys organic food and fruit . Not that there's anything wrong with that. We just don't eat that healthy on the farm.You can look at us and tell that. So when he comes he gets candy and coke and anything else he wants. Tiff is a single mom right now because Heath is in warrant officer school somewhere in Missouri. She has been a single mom for quite a while now as Heath was deployed to Iraq before he left for school. She definitely gets props from me. Being a soldier's wife is a job in itself. And being a single mom is the most difficult thing in all the world. Tanner really doesn't like school. He likes to sit in his desk and people watch while twirling his hair. And that's so his personality and why I think he's so funny. I think he really should have been my child and Shel should have been Tiff's. But thankfully our God is so much smarter than us and He knows what's best for our lives and He didn't give me Tanner. Cause if he was mine I'd probably kill him. Tiff is so much more patient and calm than me. She calmly explains to him why he's in trouble and why he's going to get a spanking. She hardly ever raises her voice when she's talking to him. Now, me on the other hand. I'm just loud in general so when I get worked up my voice tends to accelerate to where the neighbors can hear. But lucky for us we don't have neighbors in DeKalb. My in-laws are the closest neighbors we have and even they are a pretty good ways off. Not like the good ol city neighbors. My dad always tell me that Pat(our neighbor at my parent's house) doesn't care what I'm talking about. So, it's a big joke in the family that coco(that's me) has a big mouth. Tanner is very blessed to have such a patient mother that will sit with him hours upon hours and do homework with him. The reason she spends hours upon hours is because he doesn't like school and the only reason he goes is to people watch while twirling his hair. Therefore, when he gets home his mother becomes his teacher. The thing is Tanner is so stinkin smart it's not even funny. He could build you anything. Shel and Tan man went to Branson with my parents over Thanksgiving and he wanted to buy this dumb necklace. Mom told him no, he quickly informed her that that was as an "Authentic Native American Indian necklace" . Well, what do you say to that? He proudly wore his necklace home and told us exactly what kind of necklace he was wearing. How could you not love a kid like that? I'm so proud that he's my nephew. Good thing he just gets to come and visit and I get to spoil him rotten, load him up on sugar and send him home. Tiffany and Tanner
Tanner's shirt says "He's not just my Daddy, HE'S MY HERO " and it has a picture of Heath in his combat uniform. Tiff ordered one for Shel also. They wore them off July 4th. Our kids rocked!


  1. Awww...that's so nice!!! He's already in full force and we haven't even started the seatwork he didn't finish at school...going to be a long night!!!!!

    How funny you mention your public rage!! Just the other day Heath told me to "go Coco" on the cable company!!! We've had lots of problems w/them...and we are paying!!!

    So off to tackle homework!!! Maybe Jesus will come back before we get started!!! :)

  2. I think he is by far one of the sweetest babies around.. He seems to always just get caught. I wish he was mine. I will keep for the summer! Someone has to take Grace though, those two in the same state. WOW!!

  3. i was showing tanner your blog. He said, "somebody caught be drinking soda!"

    In reference to judi's comment, ask here when she wants to exchange children for the summer...:-)
