Friday, May 8, 2009


Before I show you pictures of my new headboard I want to show you pictures of our friend that showed up in our front yard, close to the house, right in front of the steps last night..............
Do you see him? Well let me give you a close up........

This snake my friends is a...copperhead! I was outside yesterday getting ready to put flowers in pots and there he was - right beside me! Aaron was at softball practice with Shelby. So I was all alone standing on the bench that is on my front porch. I was on the phone with Auntie when I saw him and I screamed and freaked out. She went to the computer and I tried to explain what he looked like so she could tell me if he was poisonous or not. If he wasn't then I was going to kill him and go on about my business. If he was, well, I guess I was going to stand on that bench til Aaron got home. So meanwhile Auntie's telling Tan man that I have snake in my front yard and he immediately asks "where are the horses"? (Thanks for the concern little buddy. Coco's okay don't worry about it). He wanted to look also but he told his momma that he needed a chair to stand in. She asked him why he needed a chair and he told her he can't look at pictures of snakes unless he was standing in a chair. So me and Tan man (him being over 200 miles away) were sure to get off the ground away from the snake. She never really figured out what kind he was because I couldn't explain it very well. Finally Aaron and Shelby came home and he got a bat and whacked it in the head and said"hmm, it's a copperhead, I just killed one of those just last week". WHAT???? Uh,thanks for the heads up that we have snakes roaming around the yard.

Now for the headboard. Okay you can't laugh! It's not set up yet. It's leaned against the wall under our car port right now and we intend to get it set up this weekend. You'll just have to excuse the star in the background and try to make the picture out as best you can.

This is the one of the sides.

This is the other side. This headboard is made of old panels that was used for cattle back in the day. I was in the barn about 6 mos. ago and saw them and decided right then and there that was my new headboard. So we took it over to a little shop in town and the nice man cleaned it up, made a few repairs and put a clear seal over it. Now, in my opinion... it's beautiful ! I can't wait to get it up in my room. I know it's a little out of the ordinary but that 's just the kind of gal I am.

Here are my flowers that I got on sale. They are still in their original pots but well I had a visitor last night that prohibited me from doing anything other than standing on a bench waiting for my man to get home.

Be a mom who prays continually.

I Thessalonians 5:17 should be every mother's commitment to her children. "Never stop praying" (ICB). It is never too late to start praying and it is always too early to stop.
Pray for God's plan -- not yours -- when praying for your children.
Pray that you will see your child like God sees your child.
Pray specifically for your child. For example, I often pray Proverbs 3:5-6 for our son, "Lord, I pray that Jered would trust in you with all his heart and will lean not unto his own understanding. I pray that in all his ways Jered will acknowledge you and that you will direct his paths." And for our daughter, I pray 1 Peter 5:7, "Lord, I pray that Danna would cast all her care upon you, because you care for her."
Prayer is an eternal gift we can give to our children, teaching them the importance of prayer and teaching them how to pray. I recently heard the story of a mother who had invited several people to dinner. At the table, she turned to their six-year-old daughter and said, "Would you like to say the blessing?" "I wouldn't know what to say," the girl replied. "Just say what you hear Mommy say," she answered. The daughter bowed her head and said, "Lord, why on earth did I invite all these people to dinner?"
We began early to pray with our kids at bedtime. I am convinced that if we pray for our children and with our children, it will change their lives and ours and give us insight that we can gain no other way.

Have a great weekend. Happy Mother's Day to all the mommies. Remember to acknowledge all those women who are waiting to be called that sweet name "mommy".


  1. cool's going to look good in your room. thankfully, no snake nightmares from tan last night. love the flowers!!!

  2. just showing tanner the snake. if that's just the baby, i would hate to see the momma!!! a lot bigger than i expected. i'm afraid my outside days would be over...

    fyi...don't go outside at the farm and don't eat the beef the burrows serve!!! r.i.p henry!!!
